Services and Pricing

Current Pricing Guidelines

We provide consultation on sample preparation and pooling for the best use of the NovaSeq, iSeq, and Sequel IIe sequencers.
The following summarizes our most common services and approximate pricing. For individual project quotes, please reach out to us at

Combined Services Costs*

*These are considered “full service”, you can pick and choose whichever services are desired. A breakdown and description of each service is included below.


Approximate cost per sample

Amplicon $30
Illumina Whole Genome $159
Illumina Ribo-Depleted RNA          $489
Illumina Poly-A RNA $437
Illumina Multi-GBS $102
PacBio Whole Genome $630
PacBio Transcriptome $1511

Combined Services Breakdown

Amplicon Service

  • Extraction: $11 per sample
  • Amplification: $6 per sample (single locus)
  • Indexing: $6 per sample
  • Sequencing: $1 per sample (100,000 reads)
  • Bioinformatics: $6 per sample (if submitted 192 samples)
  • Total: $30 per sample

Illumina Whole Genome Service

  • Extraction: $11 per sample
  • Library preparation: $42 per sample
  • Sequencing: $100 per sample (10,000,000 reads)
  • Bioinformatics: $6 per sample (if submitting 96 samples)
  • Total: $159 per sample

Illumina Ribo-Depleted RNA Service

  • Extraction: $11 per sample
  • Library preparation: $204 per sample
  • Sequencing: $250 per sample (25,000,000 reads)
  • Bioinformatics: $24 per sample (if submitting 96 samples)
  • Total: $489 per sample

Illumina Poly-A RNA Service

  • Extraction: $11 per sample
  • Library preparation: $152 per sample
  • Sequencing: $250 per sample (25,000,000 reads)
  • Bioinformatics: $24 per sample (if submitting 96 samples)
  • Total: $437 per sample

Illumina Multi-GBS Service

  • Extraction: $11 per sample
  • Digestion/Ligation: $17 per sample
  • Indexing: $6 per sample
  • Sequencing: $50 per sample (5,000,000 reads)
  • Bioinformatics: $18 per sample (if submitting 96 samples)
  • Total: $102 per sample

PacBio Whole Genome Service

  • Extraction: $30 per sample
  • Library preparation: $100 per sample
  • Sequencing: $500 per sample* (1,000,000 HiFi reads)
    • *Requires the rest of the SMRT Cell to be full (~3,500,000 reads total)
  • Total: $630 per sample

PacBio Transcriptome Service

  • Extraction: $11 per sample
  • Library preparation: $1000 per sample
  • Sequencing: $500 per sample* (1,000,000 HiFi reads)
    • *Requires the rest of the SMRT Cell to be full (~3,500,000 reads total)
  • Total: $1511 per sample

Description and Cost of Services

DNA/RNA Extraction

Using the MagMax Beads protocol on the KingFisher system, we automate nucleic acid extraction to efficiently capture, wash, and elute high-quality DNA or RNA from various sample types, ensuring reproducibility and scalability for high-throughput workflows. Ideal for downstream applications like PCR and sequencing, this protocol minimizes manual handling and maximizes consistency across samples.

  • DNA and RNA Extraction Pricing:
    • DNA/RNA Extraction: $11 per sample

High Molecular Weight DNA Extraction

We use the DNA Nanobind Extraction protocol, which is a streamlined method for isolating high molecular weight genomic DNA using nanostructured silica surfaces. This technique efficiently captures DNA from cell lysates, yielding pure, intact DNA with minimal shearing. Its gentle processing and high reproducibility make it particularly well-suited for long-read sequencing and other applications requiring high-quality genomic material.

  • High Molecular Weight DNA Extraction Pricing:
    • HMW Extraction: $30 per sample

Amplicon Library Preparation

This service is designed for targeted amplification of genetic markers using 16S (Prokaryotes), 18S (Eukaryotes – Microbial), CYTB (Eukaryotes – Animal), COX1 (Eukaryotes – Animal – Broad Range), ITS (Fungi), MiFIsh (Fish) and/or RBCL (Plant) primers. Ideal for biodiversity studies or environmental assessments, the protocol includes an initial PCR amplification step, gel verification, and a dilution cleanup step, ensuring high-fidelity amplicon libraries for downstream sequencing. This service is typically combined with our Indexing PCR service to generate Illumina-compatible libraries.

  • Illumina Amplicon Pricing:
    • One amplification (locus): $6 per sample

Indexing PCR

Our indexing PCR service adds unique dual indices to your pre-amplified DNA libraries, enabling efficient multiplexing of samples on Illumina platforms. The process involves a brief PCR with index primers, followed by a magnetic bead-based cleanup, yielding indexed libraries ready for quantification and pooling.

  • Indexing Pricing:
    • Indexing only: $6 per sample

DNA Library Preparation

This service provides a comprehensive solution for DNA library preparation for next-generation sequencing. It involves enzymatic fragmentation, end repair with A-tailing, adapter ligation, and library amplification. With built-in bead cleanup steps to ensure purity, this protocol generates high-quality libraries optimized for uniform fragment size and sequencing performance.

  • Illumina DNA Library Pricing:
    • Library: $42 per sample

RNA Library Preparation

Tailored for RNA sequencing, this protocol converts purified RNA samples into sequencing-ready libraries. The process includes optional rRNA depletion or mRNA capture, followed by fragmentation, first- and second-strand cDNA synthesis with A-tailing, and adapter ligation. Subsequent library amplification and cleanup steps ensure that you receive high-quality, comprehensive RNA libraries suitable for detailed transcriptomic analysis.

  • Illumina RNA Library Pricing:
    • Poly-A Selected Library: $152 per sample
    • Ribodepleted Library: $204 per sample

Multi-GBS Library Preparation

This genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) service is designed for efficient multiplexed genotyping of genomic DNA. The protocol employs a restriction enzyme digestion using the enzyme of your choice, adapter ligation, and a subsequent cleanup step with magnetic beads. It provides a robust and streamlined approach to generate libraries for high-throughput SNP discovery and genetic diversity studies. This service is typically combined with our Indexing PCR service to generate Illumina-compatible libraries.

  • Multi-GBS Library Pricing:
    • Library: $17 per sample

Illumina Sequencing – NovaSeq 6000

Utilizing the NovaSeq 6000, we are able to support a wide range of applications, from amplicon and whole-genome sequencing to transcriptomics and genotyping-by-sequencing. We offer rapid turnaround times, deep coverage, and robust bioinformatics support, ensuring that your research data is both accurate and ready for downstream analysis.

  • Illumina Sequencing Pricing:
    • SP PE250: $10 per 1,000,000 reads
    • S1, S2 and S4 flow cell lane and cycle options available upon request

PacBio Sequencing - Sequel IIe

Our PacBio sequencing service offers high-fidelity, long-read sequencing ideal for resolving complex genomic regions, structural variants, and full-length transcript analysis. Using PacBio’s Sequel IIe platform, we deliver highly accurate, contiguous assemblies and comprehensive genomic insights.

  • PacBio Library and Sequencing Pricing:
    • WGS Library: $100 per sample
    • RNA Kinnex Full-Length Library: $1,000 per sample
    • SMRT Cell 8M Sequencing: $500 per 1,000,000 HiFi reads

Olink Services – Explore 3072

Olink uses proximity extension assay (PEA) technology to facilitate highly multiplexed protein biomarker analysis. We offer the Olink Explore 3072 panel, enabling sensitive and specific detection of a wide range of proteins from minimal sample volumes. As the only certified service provider in New England, we combine streamlined sample processing with rigorous quality control and expert bioinformatics support, providing researchers with robust, reliable protein expression profiles for biomarker discovery, disease characterization, and translational research.

  • Olink Services Pricing:
    • Explore 3072 (88 samples per batch): $735 per sample

Bioinformatic Services

We offer comprehensive support for the analysis and interpretation of genomic and transcriptomic data. Our custom data processing pipelines, advanced analytics, and expert consultation can help transform raw sequencing outputs into actionable insights. From quality control and assembly to variant detection and expression analysis, our team leverages state-of-the-art tools and methodologies to support your research, ensuring robust and reproducible results.

  • Bioinformatic Services Pricing:
    • RNASeq Analysis: $2,240 for up to 96 samples
    • RNASeq Add Ons:
      • Transcriptome: $560
      • Isoform: $560
    • Multi-GBS Analysis: $1,680 for up to 96 samples
    • Amplicon: $1,120 for up to 192 samples
    • WGS Microbe (assembly/annotation): $560 for up to 96 samples
    • Metagenomics I (assembly/mags/annotation): $2,240 for up to 96 samples
      • $1,140 for every 96 samples after the first
    • Metagenomics II (functional/paladin): $1,120 for up to 96 samples
    • Custom Pipeline: $1,120 for up to 96 samples

    Request Services

    To request services, please fill out the form below. If you have any questions or would like to discuss your project, please email

    HCGS Service Request Form

    General Sample Submission Requirements

    Samples must be submitted in properly sealed and clearly labeled tubes or, preferably, 96-well PCR plates.

    Samples should be a standard volume and concentration (quantified using fluorescence-based assays), which are determined based on the specific library being requested (see Specific Sample Submission Requirements below).

    Sample submission must be approved prior to the samples being sent to HCGS (email confirmation) and preceded by an Excel sample sheet with a list of sample names, tube/well identifiers, concentrations, volumes and project names.

    Also included in the service request email should be (1) a brief description of the project, (2) total number of samples, (3) list of requested services, (4) special request or handling/care instructions, (5) names of the PI(s) and (6) appropriate identifiers for grants and/or other funding sources.

    Please fill out the HCGS Service Request Form prior to sending samples.

    Sample Volume and Concentration Requirements
    • DNA for Amplicon - A concentration between 1ng/ul and 10ng/ul in a volume of 20ul.
    • DNA for Illumina WGS/Metagenomic/Plasmid - A concentration of 1ng/ul in a volume of 10ul.
    • Total RNA for Illumina RNASeq - Between 100ng and 1,000ng total in a volume of 50ul.
    • DNA for PacBio WGS - Between 300ng and 1,000ng total in a volume of 50ul.
    • Total RNA for PacBio Kinnex Between 100ng and 300ng total in a volume of 20ul.
    • DNA for GBS - 20ng/ul in 20ul.
    • Olink - Contact us.

    Shipping Instructions

    • Only use FedEx or UPS (USPS may not get to the correct location)
    • Only ship samples on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday.
    • Ensure you've been contacted by us and we have confirmed that the samples may be shipped.
    • Please use the following shipping address:

    Hubbard Center for Genome Studies
    35 Colovos Road 447
    Gregg Hall Durham, NH
    03824 603.862.2470