Services and Pricing

Current Pricing Guidelines

We provide consultation on sample preparation and pooling for the best use of the NovaSeq, iSeq, and Sequel IIe sequencers.
The following table summarizes the current pricing guidelines.

Illumina Sequencing

Service FY25 Unit
NovaSeq SP PE (50 - 250) $2,144.00 - $3353.00 Lane
NovaSeq S1 PE (50 - 150) $3,151.00 - $3,957.00 Lane
NovaSeq S2 PE (50 - 150) $5,109.00 - $6,462.00 Lane
NovaSeq S4 PE (35 - 150) $3,266.00 - $4,612.00 Lane
iSeq PE (50 - 150) $992.00 Flow Cell

Illumina Library Prep

Service FY25 Unit
Kapa HyperPlus DNA library $66.00 Sample
Kapa HyperPlus DNA library (dilute) $42.00 Sample
MICROBExpress Ribodepletion $62.00 Sample
Kapa HyperPrep RNA $141.00 Sample
Kapa HyperPrep mRNA $152.00 Sample
Kapa HyperPrep RNA with Ribodepletion $204.00 Sample
Amplicon Libraries (adapter only) $6.00 Sample
Amplicon Libraries (two step) $10.00 Sample
Genotyping by Sequencing (GBS)Pilot $21.00 Sample
Genotyping by Sequencing (GBS) $13.00 Sample
NEXTFLEX smallRNA V4 $194.00 Sample

General Lab Services

Service FY25 Unit
DNA/RNA Extraction $11.00 Sample
Qubit-DNA $3.00 Sample
Qubit-RNA $3.00 Sample
TapeSation $9.00 Sample
Size Selection $34.00 Sample
Sample Pooling/Normalizaton $1.00 Sample
Lab Services $54.00 Hour
Bioinformatic Services $112.00 Hour


Service FY25 Unit
PacBio SMRT Cell 8M $1,771.00 SMRT Cell
PacBio WGS Library Prep $557.00 Sample
PacBio Kinnex $1,068.00 Sample


Service FY25 Unit
Parse Mini V3 - 1 Sample $6,227.00 Kit
Parse 100K V3 - 10 Samples $12,057.00 Kit
Parse Mega V3 - 100 Samples $20,712.00 Kit
Service FY25 Unit
Olink Explore 384-plex 1 panel - 88 Samples $238.70 Sample*
Olink Explore 384-plex 2 panels - 88 Samples $354.75 Sample*
Olink Explore 384-plex 3 panels - 88 Samples $512.88 Sample*
Olink Explore 384-plex 4 panels - 88 Samples $496.11 Sample*
Explore 3072-plex panel - 88 Samples $735.00 Sample*
*Using less than maximum number of samples available in a kit will result in a higher per sample cost.
NOTE: All other services/custom projects will be quoted upon request

Request Services

To request services, please fill out the form below. If you have any questions or would like to discuss your project, please email

HCGS Service Request Form

General Sample Submission Requirements

Samples must be submitted in properly sealed and clearly labeled tubes or, preferably, 96-well PCR plates.

Samples should be a standard volume and concentration (quantified using fluorescence-based assays), which are determined based on the specific library being requested (see Specific Sample Submission Requirements below).

Sample submission must be approved prior to the samples being sent to HCGS (email confirmation) and preceded by an Excel sample sheet with a list of sample names, tube/well identifiers, concentrations, volumes and project names.

Also included in the service request email should be (1) a brief description of the project, (2) total number of samples, (3) list of requested services, (4) special request or handling/care instructions, (5) names of the PI(s) and (6) appropriate identifiers for grants and/or other funding sources.

Please fill out the HCGS Service Request Form prior to sending samples.

Sample Volume and Concentration Requirements
  • DNA for Amplicon - A concentration between 1ng/ul and 10ng/ul in a volume of 20ul.
  • DNA for Illumina WGS/Metagenomic/Plasmid - A concentration of 1ng/ul in a volume of 10ul.
  • Total RNA for Illumina RNASeq - Between 100ng and 1,000ng total in a volume of 50ul.
  • DNA for PacBio WGS - Between 300ng and 1,000ng total in a volume of 50ul.
  • Total RNA for PacBio Kinnex Between 100ng and 300ng total in a volume of 20ul.
  • DNA for GBS - 20ng/ul in 20ul.
  • Olink - Contact us.

Shipping Instructions

  • Only use FedEx or UPS (USPS may not get to the correct location)
  • Only ship samples on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday.
  • Ensure you've been contacted by us and we have confirmed that the samples may be shipped.
  • Please use the following shipping address:

Hubbard Center for Genome Studies
35 Colovos Road 447
Gregg Hall Durham, NH
03824 603.862.2470